Loopbaanbegeleiding – universiteiten

In the cao-NU , there is an article about the duties and rights of the employer and employee in terms of career development. The career development policy (Article 6.5) indicates that it has been determined that every employee with a temporary employment contract for a period of two years or longer, shall be given the opportunity to obtain career advice from a professional organisation. The employer shall bear the costs for this consultation. This possibility shall be offered within a certain time-scale so that the outcome can be used in an individual guidance programme aimed at increasing the employee’s chances on the internal or external labour market. With this career development policy, universities try to foster development opportunities and career prospects for PhD candidates.

An important part of education for PhDs is stated in the Training and Supervision plan (TSP), but you can also call on your rights stated in Article 6.10 about education. Maintaining this knowledge and experience at the desired level and further developing it is a joint responsibility and obligation of the employer and the employee. The employer may instruct the employee to attend compulsory study or training courses, if so required to function properly in a current or future position. Even so, the employee is entitled to training and may therefore request the employer to provide the facilities needed to attend a study or training course. Education on the so-called transferable skills or an intership also fall under this clause.

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