PhD councils

PhD candidates at Dutch universities are represented by local PhD councils. They maintain contact at local level with the Executive Board, deans and individual PhD students. Currently, most consultations of the major Dutch universities are members of PNN. PNN’s policy is determined at the General Members Meeting, which takes place at least 4 times a year. Here all PhD consultations come together to determine the course and to exchange experiences. Below is a list of all local doctoral candidates and their websites. When you click on the name of one of the PhD consultations, a new window opens with the website of the relevant PhD consultations.

PON (Radboud University Nijmegen)
PON meets every 5/6 weeks with the board, delegations from the work meeting, the organization for foreign PhD candidates and PhD representatives from all faculties of Radboud University. At this meeting we discuss recent and possible future problems at Radboud University. PON represents the interests of all PhD candidates in Nijmegen. We focus on terms of employment, quality of guidance and courses. We provide information on practical matters, such as printing your dissertation, career options and national and international developments in policy and science. In addition, we regularly conduct research among PhD candidates to look at new recommendations and to look at possible future actions.
GRIN (University of Groningen)
The Groningen Graduate Interest Network (GRIN) is the PhD candidates meeting of the University of Groningen and deals with all kinds of scientific and organizational issues concerning PhD candidates. Our main goal is to inform PhD candidates about their rights and obligations, to identify and represent the different types of PhD candidates, and to provide support when a PhD candidate has a problem with a specific body / institute within the university. We work closely with the PhD candidate who is a member of the University Council, with the PhD candidates meetings of each faculty and the director of the Graduate Schools in order to address current concerns that PhD candidates have to deal with.
UPC  (Delft University of Technology)
PromooD is the independent representation of PhD candidates at Delft University of Technology. We identify general and bureaucratic problems of PhD candidates and report this to various boards of the university, come up with solutions and try to encourage them to be implemented. Furthermore, we provide a good network for the PhD candidates, in which they can meet other PhD candidates (monthly PHD café), we organize substantive and social activities (workshops, lectures, drinks) and we keep the PhD candidates informed about the problems and events about PhD candidates (through monthly e-zines and website).
TU/e PhD-PDEng Council (Eindhoven University of Technology)
De PhD-PDEng Council bestaat uit vertegenwoordigers van zowel de PhD’s als de PDEngs die aan de TU/e hun opleiding volgen. Zij overleggen met de Rector Magnificus en de Dean van de Graduate School over voor hen relevante onderwerpen. Gewerkt wordt aan PhD-PDEng Councils per faculteit.
Central PhD Council (University of Amsterdam)
The Central PhD Council (previously called ‘UvAPro’) serves the interest of all PhD candidates at an administrative level and is a sounding board for organisational developments within the university concerning PhD candidates. Our activities include consultation with various faculty and university boards and organizing lectures, seminars and symposia.
LEO (Leiden University)
The Leiden PhD candidates Consultation (LEO) represents the interests of all PhD candidates at Leiden University. We have regular meetings with the rector and deans, contact with the local unions and close contact with the PhD candidates in university and faculty consultations. We also organize a number of social activities. Every month we keep drinks for PhD candidates in a pub in Leiden. We also have a PhD discussion group monthly. This forum offers PhD candidates the opportunity to present their work to a large audience and at the same time shows how broad and how rich the research at Leiden University really is.
LAP-LUMC (Leiden University Medical Center)
LAP is a non-profit organisation that represents the interests of all PhD candidates of the LUMC. We are active locally in collaboration with the graduate school and the dean, while on a national level we are a part of the Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN). We organize several activities each year, which vary from academic lectures, to a career event, or a pubquiz.
P-NUT (University of Twente)
P-NUT passes the borders of faculties, departments and even universities by bringing PhDs with different backgrounds together to share their experiences and help each other to grow and become more efficient in their work. Our main objectives are to bring people who share similar interests together in both a professional and informal way, to inform them on the important aspects that might affect or benefit their careers as scientists and share and defend the rights of the PhDs at the UT. These objectives define the three main goals of P-NUT: connect, inform and represent the PhD candidates of the University of Twente.
PrOUt (Utrecht University)
Prout is the PhD Network of Utrecht University, run by a group of enthusiastic voluntary PhD representatives from all graduate schools of the university. We are an official organization whose main aim is to represent the interests of PhD candidates to the university, and to influence decision-making concerning PhDs. This involves regular meetings with representatives from university governing bodies, PhD councils at graduate school and faculty level, and the university council.
VU PhD Council (Free University)
The VU PhD council advocates for the interests of internal, external and scholarship PhD candidates of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. We aim to improve the social and professional interplay within the PhD trajectory of VU PhD candidates as well as organisational developments affecting PhD candidates at VU Amsterdam. As a PhD council, we want to bring relevant information to the attention of the VU PhDs, and are particularly focused on the topics of PhD rights, mental health and wellbeing, and diversity and inclusion. We aim to have at least one PhD candidate per faculty/graduate school to sit in the council, to ensure all the different faculties/graduate schools will be represented.
WPC (Wageningen University)
The Wageningen PhD Council (WPC) is composed of members of the six PhD Councils from each of the graduate schools in Wageningen University. The main task of the WPC is to provide a discussion platform in which the six PhD Councils of the graduate schools can work together on issues that are relevant for all PhD candidates at Wageningen University. The Wageningen PhD Council discusses issues such as housing, quality of supervision, and the judicial position of PhDs. These issues are discussed in internal meetings, which are held once a month, and in meetings with the Wageningen dean of sciences, the rector magnificus, the executive board, Idealis, the WUR council and other relevant actors. In addition, the WPC organizes an annual PhD Party and a symposium for all PhD candidates in Wageningen.
TiPP (Tilburg University)
The Tilburg PhD Platform (TiPP) represents the interests of PhD candidates from Tilburg University. All faculty consultative bodies for PhD candidates are represented within TiPP.
ASAP (Amsterdam UMC)
ASAP (Association of Amsterdam UMC PhD Candidates) is the association by and for PhD students of the Amsterdam UMC. In the Amsterdam UMC over 3000 PhD candidates are appointed, who are all being educated to become scientists. ASAP was established to advocate for the interests of all PhD candidates working within the Amsterdam UMC and provide assistance in different areas. In this respect, we strive towards three core values: representation, connection and improvement.
Promeras (Erasmus MC)
Our main goal is to stand up for the rights of all PhD-candidates, for instance the right to follow courses and the right to receive high quality supervision during their research. The board meets the Dean and people of Human Resources and Research & Policy on a regular base. Moreover, Promeras advises the PhD Committee about the PhD Education Policy. Additionally, when PhD-candidates have questions or problems the board of Promeras can offer help. Promeras is a member of EPAR (Erasmus PhD Association Rotterdam).
Central PhD Candidates Platform (Maastricht University)
Maastricht University’s Central PhD Candidates Platform is a central platform that deals with interfaculty and (inter) national affairs that exist among PhD candidates. The platform acts as an advisory body to the Executive Board. The platform consists of six members, each faculty being represented by a member.
HU Promovendi  (HUP) (University of Applied Sciences Utrecht)
This council started in 2018 to support all PhD candidates at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. Not only do they act as representatives of the PhD candidates, they also organize workshops, support career opportunities and are responsible for social activities such as drinks. HUP is currently the only council that represents PhD candidates from a university of applied sciences , but PNN strives to represent all PhD candidates in the Netherlands and hopes that this is a first step towards more!
PhDoc (Leiden University)
PhDoc represents the interests of PhDs and postdocs at Leiden University. We have had representatives in Leiden's University Council since 2004, first under the name LEO (now the Leiden PhD association) and from 2012 onwards as PhDoc. We want everybody’s voice to be heard in co-participation bodies and for there to be attention during university decision-making for the specific challenges that young researchers face.
Promovendiraad OU (Open Universiteit)
Informatie volgt.
Promovendiraad van de Universiteit van Humanistiek (Universiteit van Humanistiek)
Informatie volgt.
NKI PhD council
The PhD council of the Netherlands Cancer Institute is a representative body for the institute's PhD students, composed of representatives from all different departments of the institute. The goal of this council is to inform PhD students of their rights and duties, promote networking and personal development, offer support and coaching, and organise social events for all PhD students within the NKI-AVL. The council’s work is divided into four task forces: Visibility, Mental Health, Career, Social Activities. Its mission is to support the academic and professional development of PhD students at the institute, while also fostering a sense of community and collaboration among them. The council advocates for the needs and concerns of PhD students, and works closely with the institute's faculty and administration to ensure that they have the resources and support they need to succeed in their research and careers. Through its activities and events, the PhD council promotes networking and helps to prepare them for roles in academia, industry, and beyond.
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Ilse Visser

Secretary and vice chair