Vacancy board member PNN

PNN is the national interest group for and by PhD candidates in the Netherlands. We represent PhD candidates at the national level and are therefore a dialogue partner for, among others, members of the Dutch House of Representatives, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the UNL, the NFU, the KNAW and AcademicTransferIn addition, we organize various meetings annually, work closely with the AOb (Algemene Onderwijsbond), the FNV (Federatie Nederlandse Vakbonden) and Eurodoc (European PhD council). At our four-yearly general member meetings (GMM), representatives of the local PhD councils from all Dutch universities, research institutes and UMCs consult with each other.

Application round open

PNN is effective immediately seeking reinforcement for the following position:


Any questions or interest? Please do not hesitate to contact us! You can send your cover letter and CV to Lotte Weedage, Interviews will take place via Zoom. Due to the short deadline, we encourage everyone to apply as soon as possible!

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