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PRESS RELEASE - International scholarship PhD candidates are deeply concerned about their financial situation and struggle to make ends meet.
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Moving from the ‘why’ to the ‘how’. On August 31st, the 3rd edition of the Open Science Festival took place on the campus of Erasmus University in Rotterdam.
Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN) is disappointed that the UMCG is appealing to the Supereme Court in the MD/PhD lawsuit. In May 2023, the Court of Appeal in Arnhem-Leeuwarden
Continue reading about PNN betreurt cassatieberoep UMCG in zaak Groningse beurspromovendi
In the CLA for Dutch Universities, function-based contracts are only possible for employees from pay scale 11 and up, and pay scales 14 and for the CLA for research institutes ...
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It's a wrap! After multiple negotiations rounds, the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (UNL) and the labour unions FNV, FBZ, AOb and CNV ..