Are you concerned about the future of higher education in the Netherlands? Do you feel the urgent need to take action against the proposed cuts? Then join us on September 2nd at 11:00 AM in Utrecht for a special and meaningful gathering!

📢 What: Alternative Opening of the Academic Year
📅 When: September 2nd, 2024, 11:00 AM
📍 Where: Utrecht

Our society is in dire need of well-educated young people to tackle the challenges of our time. Yet, the Schoof government has announced a billion-euro cut in higher education and research – the largest cut in decades. These cuts will affect universities all over the Netherlands and have far-reaching consequences for our future.

🌍 What's at stake?

Billion-euro cuts: These cuts will have a devastating impact on the quality of our education and research. Universities will be limited in their capacity to conduct independent research, and young researchers will be severely affected.

International character in jeopardy: The new language legislation (Internationalization in Balance) restricts the intake of non-Dutch students and teachers. This threatens the diversity and quality of our education and research. Without international researchers and lecturers, programs will shrink and research will dwindle.

'Long-study fine': The annual fine of €3000 for students who need more time to complete their studies makes higher education less accessible. Working students and students with personal circumstances are particularly disadvantaged.

Impact on society: Without professionals, there is no energy transition, without lawyers there is no justice, without historians there is no vision for the future, and without specialists and nurses there is no healthcare.

Protect your career: The announced cuts will certainly affect young researchers and PhD candidates. These plans limit the opportunities for independent research and the future of young talent in science.

Defend your work: Without sufficient funding and support for research, your research projects and career are at risk. Your contribution to science deserves protection and support.

🚨 Why should you be there?

  • Make your voice heard: Protest against the billion-euro cuts in higher education and research.
  • Support diversity and quality: Defend the international and diverse character of our universities against the negative effects of the Internationalization in Balance Act.
  • Protect our students: Oppose the unjust 'long-study fine' that makes higher education less accessible. Verzet je tegen de onrechtvaardige ‘langstudeerboete’ die hoger onderwijs minder toegankelijk maakt.
  • Show solidarity: Stand shoulder to shoulder with students, lecturers, researchers, and professionals in higher education.

We cannot and must not let this happen. Let's come together to show how important higher education and scientific research are for the future of the Netherlands. The future of our economy, culture, and society is at stake.

📝 More information and registration: Visit the website for more details and to sign up for the Alternative Opening of the Academic Year.

Come to Utrecht on September 2nd and make a difference. Together we are stronger! 💪

See you there!

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