The government is cutting over a billion euros on higher education and research. These cuts will affect universities all over the Netherlands and have far-reaching consequences for our future. Join Promovendi Netwerk Nederland in protesting against the budget cuts!

What's at stake?

  • Billion-euro cuts: These cuts will have a devastating impact on the quality of our education and research. Universities will be limited in their capacity to conduct independent research, and young researchers will be severely affected.
  • International character in jeopardy: The new language legislation (Internationalisation in Balance) restricts the intake of non-Dutch students and teachers. This threatens the diversity and quality of our education and research. Without international researchers and lecturers, programs will shrink and research will dwindle.
  • Bye career prospects: The announced cuts will certainly affect young researchers and PhD candidates. These plans limit the opportunities for independent research and the future of young talent in science.
  • Defend your work: Without sufficient funding and support for research, your research projects and career are at risk. Your contribution to science deserves protection and support!

What can you do right now?

If you hear how these budget cuts impact your research environment, and especially PhD candidates, let us know! We need specific examples to guide our advocacy at the national level. You can reach us via

We know people are scared, and there is a lot of uncertainty about what the impacts will be. Share these concerns with your colleagues, managers, supervisors. We must continue to show solidarity, and let our voices be heard!

Save the date!

On the 14th of November, there will be a protest in Utrecht. Precise location and time will be announced soon. We want to join the protest with a large group of PhD candidates and show that we are angry, feared and demand change. If you want to be informed on PNNs actions and possibly participate, leave your contact details here: we will contact you once we have more information! here : we will contact you once we have more information!

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